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Devoted to the Bible

Feb 17, 2019    Nate Akin

Summary: The early church was committed to learning and meditating on the scriptures. The scriptures are worthy of our devotion because they have been written by God Himself. Therefore, the healthy Christian and church will look to the scriptures as our final authority in matters of life and doctrine.

2 Peter 1:12-21

Main Idea: We must trust and devote ourselves to the Scriptures because they are the very voice of God

I. (V. 16-18) Trust the Scriptures because they contain an eyewitness account of His glory

II. (V. 19-21) Devote yourself to the Scriptures because:
A. They are a more sure Word (V. 19)
B. They will illuminate and sanctify us (V. 19)
C. They are the very voice of God Himself (V. 20-21)

Theological Applications:
1) We must affirm the inerrancy, sufficiency, infallibility, and authority of the Scriptures
2) We must trust the Scriptures even when we don’t feel it
3) We must stop waiting for “extra” revelation

Practical applications:
1) Come ready to listen to the sermon
2) Read the text before Sunday
3) Read at the dinner table with your family, even if it is just one Psalm a night
4) Download the ESV Bible App and listen to it on your way to work
5) Gather with others to read it together
6) Memorize it
7) Be Berean