STEP ONE: Attend Discover Apex
Discover Apex is offered monthly for anyone desiring to learn what Apex Baptist is all about. This class will allow participants to learn more about the mission and vision of our church so that you can take your next step as you engage with our community.
STEP TWO: Attend The Membership Class
Membership Class is offered quarterly for anyone desiring to become a member at Apex Baptist. This class will allow participants to learn more about why church membership at Apex Baptist matter and what it is all about. To attend Membership Class, you must have previously attended Discover Apex.
STEP THREE: Meet With A Pastor
As our church continues to grow, we desire for every member to have a personal relationship with our staff. This visit is an informal time for new members to ask questions, share stories and get to know one of our staff members.
STEP FOUR: Presentation to the Church
After completing the membership process, a picture of families desiring membership are presented to the congregation at the conclusion of the worship service. After congregational affirmation of the desire for membership, the families are welcomed into Apex Baptist Church.