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Faithfulness In A Decaying World

Zeb Cook

Daniel 1:1-21

I. The Pressure to Change our Thinking (1-4)

a. “Though the forces against you are great, take heart, stand firm, and dare be a Daniel.” – Kent Hughes

II. The Pressure to Change our Worship (5-7)

a. “Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. Everyone has to live for something, and if that something is not God, then we are driven by that thing we live for – by overwork to achieve it, by inordinate fear if it is threatened, deep anger if it is being blocked, and inconsolable despair if it is lost.” – Tim Keller

b. Daniel: Elohim is my judge
Belshazzar: May Bel protect his life
Hananiah: Yahweh is gracious
Shadrach: Aku is exalted
Misahel: Who is what Elohim is?
Meshach: Who is what Aku is?
Azariah: Yahweh is my helper
Abednego: The servant of Nebo

III. Determine that you will not compromise your convictions (8-21)

a. “In a world filled with people who rebel against the divine King, it is inevitable that believers of all ages will face situations in which their convictions will be challenged. We who are parents need to prepare our children for those occasions by both teaching them God’s truth and modeling integrity. And all of us who are Christians need to personally commit ourselves to living God’s way regardless of the temptations to live otherwise.” – Chuck Swindoll

b. Conviction + Confidence in the Lord = Courage


I. Change the world, don’t let the world change you
a. Matt 5:16
II. Know your identity comes from Christ, not the world