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Hosted by Village 127

Apex Baptist has the opportunity to participate in Stand Sunday this year alongside our Village 127 Foster Care and Adoption Ministry. Stand Sunday is a day that is recognized in churches across our nation to show how the Church is called to STAND together to serve vulnerable children and families that are impacted by foster care and adoption. As  followers of Christ, we believe that no one person can do everything, but together we  can all do something to serve these children and families!

Village 127 partners with many foster and adoptive families on a monthly basis to build community and support for them.  As a church family, we can reflect the heart of Christ by embracing and supporting these families, helping them feel seen, valued, and uplifted in our community.

See below the ways you can serve foster, adoptive, and vulnerable families.

Village 127 has created a list of four ways for you to join in our efforts to stand together with foster, adoptive, and vulnerable families. Depending on your season of life, you may be ready to dive all-in to the world of foster care or you may be able to meet a one time need today by purchasing a Christmas gift for one of our foster families. We hope that as you read through the list below, that you’ll find something that stands out to you as a way that you’re able to get involved right now, in this season of life!

Amazon Wishlist 2024

This year, we are so excited to do our Amazon Wish List for 11 of the foster families that attend Village 127! We asked these families to add items for their family that would be a blessing to them like gifts for upcoming holidays, seasonal clothing, snacks, basic household needs, and even a gift or two for the parents too!

Care Portal

CarePortal is a platform that connects us in real time to the needs of vulnerable families. So often we are willing to help meet the practical needs of people in need, but aren’t aware of the everyday needs of the vulnerable families that live right around us. CarePortal allows social workers or ministry leaders to input the needs of these families and allows you to respond directly with the family in need. When you sign up to serve with CarePortal, our goal is help our foster families in Village, but ALSO other local families that can use practical support when they are in crisis.

Watch the video to learn more!

If you are interested in learning more about CarePortal contact smeadows@apexbaptist.org.

Care Communities

A Care Community is a team of people from our church that helps to create a “village” for a foster family. Fostering can often feel isolating and it feels too overwhelming to ask for help. We want to remove this barrier for those that are fostering! When you sign up to serve on a care community, you’ll be matched with an active foster family that lives close by you. You’ll commit to supporting that family for the upcoming year and that looks like offering support by bringing a meal once a month, supplying or sourcing practical needs, transporting children to appointments, mentoring children, and becoming trained to provide respite care.

Watch the video to learn more!

If you are interested in learning more about Care Communities, contact smeadows@apexbaptist.org.

Foster Care or Adoption

 If God has been calling you into the world of foster care or adoption and you feel like now might be the right time to take the next step, our Village 127 team would love to connect with you! Email smeadows@apexbaptist.org and we will connect you with some of our agency partners!

Apex Baptist Church Podcast:
Stand Sunday Episode

Listen in as Pastor Zeb talks with Sarah Meadows, Village 127 Coordinator, about Stand Sunday. They unpack a deeper understanding of James 1:27 and discuss the ways you can support vulnerable families.

Are you a current foster or adoptive family in our church that hasn’t already connected to Village 127? If so , we would LOVE to connect with you!