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Walking And Talking

Zeb Cook

1. We Can Try to Cover Our Sins

- We lie to others
- We lie to ourselves
- We try lying to God

- “He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” – Proverbs 28:13

2. We Can Confess Our Sins

- “Does John mean the sin of adultery, bearing false witness, coarse joking, deceit, fraud, gossip, holding a grudge, idleness, judgmentalism, abortion, lying, malice, not keeping oaths, oppressing the poor, prayerlessness, quarrelling, returning insult for insult, slander, trusting in riches, unlawful divorce, and violence can be forgiven? Yes. Does he mean the sin of loving the world, loving yourself, not loving your neighbor or enemy or fellow Christian or God? Yes. They are “all” covered! Every single sin that stains us and makes us too defiled to commune with a holy God has been cleansed by Christ’s propitiation.” - Douglas Sean O’Donnell

3. We Can Conquer Our Sins

- Arise, my soul, arise; shake off they guilty fears; The bleeding Sacrifice in my behalf appears. Before the throne my Surety stands; My name is written on his hands.


· Remember your motive for obedience
· Confess your sins
· Receive God’s forgiveness