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The Power of Patience-02.09.2020

Feb 9, 2020    Zeb Cook

In the final section of James 5, he addresses the issue of patience. Someone has said, Patience is a virtue, Possess it if you can. Found seldom in a woman, Never in a man. When the believer is tempted to lose patience, he must remember that there is blessing in the wait. James gives a classic illustration of patience when he says, “see how the farmer waits” - the farmer is patient because the value of the harvest justifies the wait. Impatience with our circumstances leads to impatience with God, which in turn leads to impatience with God’s people.

James 5:7-20

I. Be Patient (7-11)
a. Know that your future looks bright (7-8)
b. Avoid complaining (9)
c. Remember, God has a plan (10-11)

II. Be Truthful (12)
a. Our word is important
b. We must pursue Integrity

III. Be Vulnerable (13-20)
a. Pray in distress (13a)

“The saint who advances on his knees never retreats” – Jim Elliot

b. Praise in delight (13b)
c. Reach out when you are weak (14-15)
d. Confess and believe (15-16)
e. Stay firm in the truth (19-20)
- Psalm 32:1


· Our conduct should match our claim
· We can trust in the Sovereignty of God