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Taming the Tongue - 1.5.20

Jan 5, 2020    Zeb Cook    The Book of James

n James 3 we see how speech has a great affect upon its hearers. The tongue proves to be a source of greatness, either great good or great evil. In order to tame the tongue, one must be able to display self-control. For the believer, a virtuous life of faith represents a life that is able to bring the tongue under control and in so doing, guide the whole self into well doing. The believer should have maturity in speech which impacts the entirety of the Christian life.

James 3:1-12

I. The Tongue is Small but Powerful (vv. 3-5)
a. our words can have a powerful impact upon the lives of others.

II. The Tongue is Small but Dangerous (vv. 6-8)

III. The Tongue Is Small but Revealing. (vv. 9-12)
a. Strange and paradoxical words come from the tongues of men. The same tongue both blesses and curses.


1. Never waste your time putting someone down.
2. If you have an issue with someone – go to that person directly.
3. Refuse to listen to someone else gossip.